Annual General Meeting
Get ready for an evening of community spirit as we invite you to the highly anticipated Big Lake Community League Annual General Meeting (AGM)! Join us at David Thomas King School on Wednesday, June 5 for an event that promises to be engaging and insightful.
Date: Wednesday, June 5, 2024
Time: Doors open at 6 p.m. AGM will run from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Location: David Thomas King School 22707 97 Ave NW
Our upcoming AGM will be held in person on June 5, 2024, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at David Thomas King School (22707 97 Ave NW). Pizza will be provided courtesy of Soprano's Pizza.
Curious about the community league and what we do?
Want to volunteer?
Interested in joining a committee or the Board of Directors?
Have input on this past year's events and programming?
Do you have any ideas for us going forward?
Join us as we elect a new Board of Directors, review this past year's league offerings, plan for next year, and form the committees to ensure we serve the community as best as we can.
We need as many residents to join and help us run the programming and events that you all love. There's lots of work to be done and many hands make light work as the community grows.
This year's agenda is as follows:
Call Meeting to Order at 6:30pm
Welcome and Land Acknowledgement
Motion to adopt AGM Agenda
Motion to adopt of 2023 AGM Minutes
Year in Review
President Report
Membership report;
Update members on our District re-designation within the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues (the “EFCL”);
Update on new greenspaces under City inventory in our area;
Update on the role of our league with respect to building and changing out items in the playgrounds within our area; and
Share results of our Needs Assessment Survey.
Vice President Report
Update on our Alberta Gaming, Liquor & Cannabis casino application; and
Motion that upon completion of a full term as a director of this Community League, the League will provide that member a complimentary membership for the next calendar year.
Open discussion.
Vote on motion.
State the results
Treasurer Report
Review 2023 Financial Statements;
Motion to approve 2023 Financial Statements;
Open discussion.
Vote on motion.
State the results.
Guest Speakers:
Andrew Knack, City Councillor Ward Nakota Isga, via Google Meet
Election of 2024-2025 Board of Directors, current vacancies include:
Fundraising Director
Communications Director - Social Media
Communications Director - Website and Newsletter
Inclusivity Director
Thank you to our volunteers, sponsors and the 2023-2024 board of directors.
Conclusion - including door prize draws
The next board of directors meeting is to be held on June 10, 2024, at 7pm.